
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine(TCM) is an ancient healing system that has been used successfully for over 2000 years. Small filiform needles are inserted into the different acupuncture points along the body. The stimulation of the points have been shown, through modern science, to improve blood flow to the area of insertion, modulate the hormones, heal tissue and bring the body back to a stat... Read More

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine(TCM) is an ancient healing system that has been used successfully for over 2000 years. Small filiform needles are inserted into the different acupuncture points along the body. The stimulation of the points have been shown, through modern science, to improve blood flow to the area of insertion, modulate the hormones, heal tissue and bring the body back to a state of homeostasis or balance.

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT)

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is a gentle, light touch, non-invasive, 1.5 hour technique of cleansing and detoxifying the lymphatic system. ELT treats many conditions including: Inflammation, Lymphedema, Edema, Lyme Disease, Enlarged Prostate, & Fibrocystic Breasts. ELT can reach areas that traditional manual lymphatic massage can not (pulsations can reach up to 6 inches deep), treating areas... Read More

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is a gentle, light touch, non-invasive, 1.5 hour technique of cleansing and detoxifying the lymphatic system. ELT treats many conditions including: Inflammation, Lymphedema, Edema, Lyme Disease, Enlarged Prostate, & Fibrocystic Breasts. ELT can reach areas that traditional manual lymphatic massage can not (pulsations can reach up to 6 inches deep), treating areas that would normally be too painful for manual lymph drainage.

Holistic Health Consultation

An online holistic health consultation is a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that takes into account the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. Conducted virtually, this consultation allows you to connect with a healthcare professional from the comfort of your own home. During the session, the practitioner will assess your overall health status by asking about your lifestyle, diet,... Read More

An online holistic health consultation is a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that takes into account the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. Conducted virtually, this consultation allows you to connect with a healthcare professional from the comfort of your own home. During the session, the practitioner will assess your overall health status by asking about your lifestyle, diet, emotional state, and other factors that may impact your wellbeing. They may offer personalized advice on natural therapies, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle modifications. The goal is to not just address immediate health concerns, but to help you achieve long-term wellness by balancing all aspects of your life. This holistic approach empowers you to take an active role in your health, promoting overall wellbeing and preventing future ailments.


HOCATT™ stands for “Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy” and the machine acts as a personal ozone steam sauna, in which patients sit with just their head exposed to the air, while their body receives the benefits of an infusion of ozone, carbon dioxide, steam, Photon light, and oxygen. Ozone sauna therapy can significantly boost the immune system and has powerful anti-in... Read More

HOCATT™ stands for “Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy” and the machine acts as a personal ozone steam sauna, in which patients sit with just their head exposed to the air, while their body receives the benefits of an infusion of ozone, carbon dioxide, steam, Photon light, and oxygen.

Ozone sauna therapy can significantly boost the immune system and has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. The effects can also fight viruses and microbes within the body. It can raise energy levels and promotes clear skin.

HOCATT helps harmonize multiple modalities into the ultimate wellness symphony. By combining 10 highly effective technologies, perfectly sequenced to activate one another, it provides integrated support for promotion of maximum health and wellness.


HUGO is the world’s first ever FULL-BODY, High-Intensity, PEMF device, thanks to its full-body PEMF mats. Most High-Intensity PEMF devices will only focus on one specific target area at a time, e.g. knee, lower back, shoulder, etc. which you can still do with the HUGO’s molded loop accessories. With the HUGO you can boost energy levels, optimize cellular metabolism, and strengthen circulatio... Read More

HUGO is the world’s first ever FULL-BODY, High-Intensity, PEMF device, thanks to its full-body PEMF mats. Most High-Intensity PEMF devices will only focus on one specific target area at a time, e.g. knee, lower back, shoulder, etc. which you can still do with the HUGO’s molded loop accessories. With the HUGO you can boost energy levels, optimize cellular metabolism, and strengthen circulation and oxygenation throughout your ENTIRE BODY in just 3 - 12 minutes per session.

Dr. Beth Fowler, a native of Gaffney, SC, earned her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in 2024 from Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts in Asheville, NC.

Her journey into acupuncture began over a decade ago through her love of yoga and a deep passion for the mind-body connection. As a certified yoga teacher, Dr. Fowler found joy in helping others through movement and mindfulness. This experience sparked her desire to connect with people on a more personal, one-on-one level, guiding them toward a holistic view of what healing means to them.

Dr. Fowler takes pride in helping her patients heal and thrive. She is excited to bring her expertise and dedication to the Upstate SC community, where she looks forward to making a positive and lasting impact.

Dr. Beth Fowler, a native of Gaffney, SC, earned her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine... Read More

Dawn Garrison is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine specializing in women’s health, pediatric care, stress, anxiety and cancer support. She holds an active acupuncture licenses in both South Carolina and California and is a Board certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine and Herbal Medicine by the National Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She holds a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTCM) from Five Branches University in California since 2010 and a Doctorate (DAOM) from Emperors College in California since 2017. Dawn uses acupuncture and her understanding of Chinese medicine to restore homeostasis to her patients. She empowers patients to take charge of their health, while her love of Chinese medicine provides a safe environment that facilitates healing on multiple levels. Clinically, Dawn Garrison has extensive experience, having worked at one of the busiest family acupuncture clinics in the San Jose area and running a successful solo practice in San Diego Ca working in an integrative setting with other healthcare professionals. In 2012, Dawn was part of the medical team at the O’Neill Coldwater Classic (Santa Cruz, CA): an event that draws the top professional surfers in the world. She welcomes children to her practice, and offers several therapies that do not require needles.

Dawn Garrison is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine specializing in women’s health, pe... Read More

Grace is a doctor of acupuncture and has been practicing for over 20 years. She graduated from Tri-State college of acupuncture in New York City, the oldest and now defunct school in the Northeast with a master’s degree back in 2002, specializing in trigger points pain management, infertility, auto immune disorders, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), digestive issues, pre-peri and post menopausal symptoms. She has developed an eclectic style of different types of acupuncture (Japanese, Korean, TCM, Vietnamese, Master Tung) uniquely combined for every patient and every treatment. Being a reiki master for over 24 years, she was always interested in working with energy. In 2020, she decided to return to school and get a Doctorate in Acupuncture from Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego and the same year, she was certified with functional medicine Fast Track. She is now studying with Functional Medicine University and plans to be certified later this year so she can combine her acupuncture skills with functional medicine.

Grace is a doctor of acupuncture and has been practicing for over 20 years. She graduated from Tr... Read More

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