
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine(TCM) is an ancient healing system that has been used successfully for over 2000 years. Small filiform needles are inserted into the different acupuncture points along the body. The stimulation of the points have been shown, through modern science, to improve blood flow to the area of insertion, modulate the hormones, heal tissue and bring the body back to a stat... Read More

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine(TCM) is an ancient healing system that has been used successfully for over 2000 years. Small filiform needles are inserted into the different acupuncture points along the body. The stimulation of the points have been shown, through modern science, to improve blood flow to the area of insertion, modulate the hormones, heal tissue and bring the body back to a state of homeostasis or balance.

Dawn Garrison is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine specializing in women’s health, pediatric care, stress, anxiety and cancer support. She holds an active acupuncture licenses in both South Carolina and California and is a Board certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine and Herbal Medicine by the National Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She holds a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTCM) from Five Branches University in California since 2010 and a Doctorate (DAOM) from Emperors College in California since 2017. Dawn uses acupuncture and her understanding of Chinese medicine to restore homeostasis to her patients. She empowers patients to take charge of their health, while her love of Chinese medicine provides a safe environment that facilitates healing on multiple levels. Clinically, Dawn Garrison has extensive experience, having worked at one of the busiest family acupuncture clinics in the San Jose area and running a successful solo practice in San Diego Ca working in an integrative setting with other healthcare professionals. In 2012, Dawn was part of the medical team at the O’Neill Coldwater Classic (Santa Cruz, CA): an event that draws the top professional surfers in the world. She welcomes children to her practice, and offers several therapies that do not require needles.

Dawn Garrison is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine specializing in women’s health, pe... Read More

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